Tuesday 8 August 2017

Primitive Data Types in C++

Data type is a core concept in programming languages. Computer accepts the input, process it and return us output. The question is that what types of data is accepted by computer. Data type defines the set of values and set of operation on those values. For example in integer data the values will be whole number mean the numbers without decimal points and fraction. Addition, subtraction, multiplication division and can cab performed on integer values. On the other hand if we have character data then the values are alphabet, digit and special symbols having length one within single quotation marks and concatenations types of operations can be perform on these.
There are two types of data a type in c++ language first is primitive and second is user defined. In this lecture only primitive data types will be discussed and user defined will be discussed later.

The description of primitive data types are as following

For more detail visit following video link in Urdu